“So, where have you been?” answered in 830 words (Sorry!)
"So, where have you been?" is a question I am hearing a lot since rebranding our business. Happy New Year! Thank you for staying connected with me on social...
The Importance of the Customer Experience
Last night we went out to eat a nationally-recognized asian restaurant and I had the worst experience... but believing that all things happen for a good...
Our First Customer Appreciation Hockey Night
This past Saturday, March 7th, 2015, was our first annual customer appreciation night at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC. We were honored to...
WordPress: Creating a Test Page
At times, it is necessary to create a test page (that cannot be viewed by the public), while keeping the current page live and available to website visitors....
Add & Edit Images in WordPress Posts and Pages
This tutorial will teach you how to add & edit images in Wordpress posts and pages. This is a basic tutorial and does not go into any advanced options,...
Create a Page in WordPress
Learn how to Create a Page in Wordpress and start customizing your site to the look you want. Login & Look at the Options on the Left Hand Column Under...
How to locate your image URL in WordPress
Sometimes you need to know the actual location of an image that you have used on your Wordpress site. This tutorial will show you how to locate your image's...
An Introduction to Your WordPress Dashboard
This is an introduction to your new Wordpress website, pointing out all the built-in areas of Wordpress. Getting to the Login Page Go to your website's...
How to Create Sub-Calendars in Google Calendar and Set them up in WordPress Widgets
This lesson will walk you through the process of creating calendars within a Gmail (Google Calendar) Account. This allows you to view all the calendars from...
Creating a Post in WordPress
Login & Look at the Options on the Left Hand Column Under the "Posts" Tab, click "Add New" Fill in the Basic Information Fill in the (1) Title of the...
Do you have any tips for getting started with a website?
Question Submitted by Patty from Scottsdale, AZ I am just getting started, can you tell me the best way to get started so it does not become...
Moving Your WordPress Blog? Tips to Avoid Disaster!
If you have moved your Wordpress site or blog and have lost everything - your posts, pages, theme customizations, links, and more - then you can use these...