This tutorial will teach you how to add & edit images in WordPress posts and pages. This is a basic tutorial and does not go into any advanced options, just the basics of inserting, resizing, moving, and deleting.
Login & Find…
Login to WordPress and look on your left hand column for either “All Posts” or “All Pages.” I will be using “All Posts” for this tutorial, but the directions here will also work for editing images on a page in WordPress.
Choose a Page or Post to Edit
You will see a listing of either all the pages or all the posts on your site (depending on which you chose). Choose the one you wish to work with by:
- Hover over the title.
- Click “Edit” when it appears.
Insert an Image – Part 1
Place your cursor where you would like your image to be inserted. Then, click the “Add an Image” Icon above your post options bar.
Insert an Image – Part 2
You will have the option to add an image “From Computer,” “From URL” or from “Media Library.” We will be using the “From Computer” option for this tutorial. Make sure the “From Computer” Tab is selected. Then click “Select Files.”
Insert an Image – Part 3
Choose the image you wish to use (from your computer) and click Open or Select (this may vary depending on browser and operating system). Your image will upload.
Insert an Image – Part 4
There are a variety of settings to choose, but the basic ones you need to use are:
- Alignment
- Size
Make your alignment choices (Left, Right, Center, or No Justification) and your size choices (Thumbnail, Medium, Large, or Full). then click “Insert into Post“.
Edit your image – Part 1
Oops. I chose Left Alignment and Large size, but my image is still way too big. So, I need to edit it. First, I click on my image and two options appear: Edit and Delete. In this instance, I still want the picture I chose, so I will choose Edit.
Edit your image – Part 2
With the options that pop up, I am going to shrink my image to 60% of its current size. I encourage you to play around with the different options here. WordPress will show you a preview of what your changes will look like before you press “Update.” Choose the settings you desire, then click “Update.”
If your image is still too large, you can repeat this process. You can also move the image to the right, or center it, or remove alignment formatting from it.
Apply your changes to the Page or Post
To save your image changes to the page or post, click the blue “Update” button on the right-hand column of your screen. That’s it! You did it. 🙂